Howard Phillips Lovecraft
(born August 20th 1890 in Providence Rhode Island)

H.P. Lovecraft, is a very unique personality. He is mystified, since he was not only a cult-author of horror but also a withdrawn eccentric, that lived very lonely and even talked to his few friends only per mail. His literary work contains about 40 short stories and 12 novels, most of them published in the legendary magazine "Weird Tales". He was the founder of the Myths around Cthulu, and the ancient Gods, (a group of archaic amorph deitys, the so called the great, elders, that once in prehistoric times long long ago were defeated but not killed, and all their wishes and willings are pointed at one goal: to take over the world), this motive is used in almost each of his stories in different variations. Lovecraft died March 15th 1937. After his death his work achieved the popularity it earns and he became one of the most read authors of horror all over the world. .

(german titles translated)

At the Mountains of Madness
Cthulhu Ghost Storys
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
The Cats from Ulthar
The Horror in the Museum
The Horror in front of the Door
In the Tomb
The Shadow out of Time
City without Name


The dark Brotherhood
The Gate of ruin


Taken exemplarily:

The Case of
Charles Dexter Ward
(Suhrkamp-Verlag, TB Nr. 391, 1980)

The young C.D.Ward comes while researching incidently upon documents of his great
grandfather Joseph Curwen, that studied the field of how to invoke the spirit of a dead person with the help of what is left of their bodies. Ward is faszinated by that and digs deeper, stays alone locks everyone out and he is finally able to invoke his ancestor with his own methods. He gets under the spell of Curwen and loses in the end his body and his soul to this evil sourcerer. A friend of the family ends this at last with invoking a demon himself, an ancient monster that killes Curwen and his living compagnions and gives the story an end.

His House in Providence

His Grave in Providence