Babylonian Ritual
(taken from: Maqlu-Text/Babylonian)

The preparation

After obtaining all the necessary implements and layed them out reads, the witchmaster sits down in the shade of a wall and forms an image of the very person that should be harmed with this ritual. 

For producing the image you can use the following materials: 
Wax, earthbronze, common bronze, honey, clay, concrete, sesame, and the wood of binu and cedar. 

The more similar the image is to your victim, the higher is the chance that the ritual will be successfull.

The Evocation

Now the demon is called that shall serve you, and you explain him what kind of damage you want to cause exactly.
Then the following words are recited: 

To Thou ...(name of the demon), that thou burn the people. Make me right, fight a decision! Burn...(name of the victim). Devour my enimies and destroy my adversaries, your terrifying day shall come for them. Like spillt water they shall vanish. Like splintering stones shall their fingers be chopped off… 

After the image is finished, it can be placed in different locations. In the hand of a dead person, in coffins, door threshholds, or doorways, so that people will step on the image, or you can smash it. 
All that is done with the purpose that all that happens to the image will happen to the victim too.